Monday, January 27, 2020

Natural Church Development

Natural Church Development ESSAY TOPIC: AN AUDIT OF THE OF A CONGREGATION DESIGN TO DISCERN ITS STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREAT. STRATEGY FOR ITS FURTHER DEVELOPMENT BUILDING ON YOUR AUDIT INTRODUCTION In recent years, it has become very difficult to get people to church. Many would rather go to football field or a cinema than to church. Some complained that church is boring and out of date while others believe it is meant for the elderly and the children. Whichever way, there is a drift away in thinking. Burke echo the above observation said, The reality is, postmodernism is a fad, it is not a new trend we can ride out and ignore. Whether or not you realise it, you live in a postmodern world . There is no point in pretending that you are not or wishing that things would go back to the way they were thirty years.[1] Wishing things in church go back decades back is not good for people and civilization nevertheless it is unrealistic. However, Synder noted that, the church of God is Gods kingdom or institution on earth and for that reason, the theological or organisation structure should not be questioned knowing well that from insertion of the church to now, the church is still unfol ding Gods purpose for humanity.[2] The church has a role of unfolding Gods plan to the world yet faced with these challenges, what are the solutions to overcoming them. It is also worth noting that each church has her peculiarity. This essay will be focusing on using the Natural Church Development module to take a look at the health of a church I once worked with discern the strength and weakness and strategizing a solution. This essay measures the churchs health rather than the typical growth by using the Schwarzs eight quality of characteristics of church health. THE CHURCH HISTORY AND HEALTH Coming from an African church setting, I felt compelled to pick on one of the African church setting I have been involved for years for this essay due to my insight of the congregation and the history. I felt assured to proceed using the church because the pastors and the governing boards were willing to assist in the research that might be involved. Furthermore, the governing board and the pastors were open to the administration of the Natural Church Development using the eight quality characteristics to access the church health. The NCD experimental mode was used throughout the collation and administration of the project. The main instrument of the NCD used was the questionnaire, due to short time in getting data needed to write this essay. The questionnaire used for this essay was limited to only very few members of the congregation of twenty who were pick randomly in order to have a balance information. The expectation is that at the end of the project, the church would have been healthier and experience growth. Also, putting to mind the stresses this change might bring to the congregation, the governing board and pastors are helping the congregation negotiate the change while the project last. This estimated time of completion is one year. The church setting has her origin from Nigeria, West Africa with over 65 years of existence. The central core message of the church as well as the organisational principle is based on the book of Hebrew 13:8 with Berner noting that, has almost gone full circle through the vicissitudes of days of small things to periods of intense evangelistic fervour and search for doctrinal anchor and purity, to the present explosion into socio-political power, economic privilege and spiritual aristocracy.'[3] Nigeria in West Africa has diverse religion and beliefs with three main religion mainly the African Traditional Religion, Christianity and Islam. This diversity brings with along hunger for the truth. Moreover, the quest to fight poverty also aided the growth for search for divine intervention which many found in the churches. This is possible because of the reliance on Holy Spirit among the Pentecostal churches. Furthermore, the young and educated wanted something different from the traditio nal religion or the orthodox churches settled for this new moment. The growth of Pentecostalism began to make most churches to focus on the leading of the Holy Spirit and the power of Pentecost so much that church leadership and organisation in most of these churches have to be by the leading of the Holy Spirit. The selected church organisation of this essay was one of the early church of this moment. The growth of the church movement led to the expansion of the church beyond the border of Africa to other countries including United Kingdom where the parish of the church for this essay is located. The location of this parish was strategic because it is in an area of London that was seriously in need of a change and a living church. As most churches in that area then were either empty and the buildings were converted to hall for general social activities or you see only elderly weekly. This calls for the need of a church for the people not only to worship God but also socialise together creating a community in a community. As noted by Avis, Mission is not a discrete activity of the church, but the cutting edge of the churchs life. It includes the vital areas of social engagement, compassionate care, prophetic critique, Christian education and intellectual dialogue and apologetic.[4] The challenge I discovered was that the church was not reaching the people of the community and the few people coming were people of the same culture. Research carried out in the community during my earlier years in the church shows that there were people searching for a church nearby but were not feeling welcomed to be a part of the church due to approach, cultural design or the mode of service and people management. The pastors and governing board noticed these challenges but were limited with lasting solution to these challenges. Moreover, they are of the opinion that it is God that gives the increase 1 Cor 3:6. Secondly, there were sense of satisfaction and success because there were flints of cars always packing for church services. It is sad because though there were flints of cars in major services, the people coming were from other communities, the church was unable to reach her immediate community. Furthermore, some the members who were from Africa now residing in this area were not getting the spiritual satisfaction there were hoping for because of their experiences from the African setting of the church. The theological implication of the struggle was that many who were very spiritually thorough back in Africa were now struggling with their faith either due to cultural, economic or social differences that need to be attended to in other to create a balance among the congregation. Many not only left the church to seek for spiritual satisfaction while some left Christianity completely due to disappointment in the leadership style or approach. Looking this, Snyder stated that, the church is the agent of the Kingdom of God first of all through what it. It best serves the kingdoms interests as the messianic community of Gods people rather than as an ecclesiastical institution.[5] For clarity of purpose I concentrated my project on the principle of the church, that states but God that gave the increase[6] Though, there are numerous books, theories and modules on the concept of church health today. For me to remain focus on my objective, and fundamental principle of the parish, I restricted myself to the Natural Church Development by Christian A. Schwarz. In this essay, the concept given by Christian A. Schwarz and the eight quality characteristics will be used to analyse the church health and how to experience growth. NATURAL CHURCH DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The leadership of the church believes that it is only God who gives the increase in ministry or church. This ideology echoes Schwarzs NCD. However, NCD gives a more details and analytical ways of getting result. Schwarz believes that church is like a plant and should experience natural growth progressions.[7] Which is based on biblical principles growth citing Mark 4:26-29.[8] He sees the church as a biotic plant that has the potential of reproducing itself if there is the right condition for growth which include reducing the environmental resistance[9] to the minimum.[10] As noted by the leadership of the church that it is God that gives the increase, Schwarz believes that Church growth can happen all-by-itself[11] In as much as God is the one that causes the growth Schwarz pointed out that there must be self-organisation for proper growth to occur.[12] Since plant grows by itself once the conditions of growth are met, then the church can also naturally grow as God is the one that g ives the conditions of growth in the first place.[13] He noted that for biotic potential to be released for self-organisation of a church there must be quality characteristic, minimum strategy, biotic principles and paradigm shift.[14] Hence, he Defines Natural church development as Releasing the growth automatisms, by which God himself grows his church.[15] While mentioning the sources of his discoveries which include research, observation of nature and biblical studies of natural growing processes of plants Schwarz made it clear that observation of the natural study of plant or church should not be the standard of accessing the growth but the scripture and what is theological acceptable.[16] He distinguished NCD from other concepts of church growth development because it is principle-oriented[17], quality services[18] and the release of natural growth focus[19] with which the church is built by God.[20] Schwarz gave his qualities of characteristics for effective self-organisation as follows: Empowering Leadership which involves teaching and making leader from the lay members of the church Gift-oriented lay ministry. By this, members are helped to discover and identify Gods gift and are developed. Passionate Spirituality which include the role of spiritual exercises in church Functional structures like heads of department and unit leaders. Inspiring worship service. Holistic small groups Need-oriented evangelism Loving relationship. Selection Christian Schwarzs NCD to access my church health because of his discovery which agrees with the teaching and the ideology of the leadership of the church, one cannot overlook some of the lingering questions in the approach applied by Schwarz. He carried out researches all over the world collating data to prove the viability of NCD but there were little said on the word of God regarding the concept except for the initially scripture. For any concept on Gods church to be effective, attention must be given to the word of God above technology and research. Though technology and research enhances good result.[21] Similarly, he seems to distant himself from size and numbers and make quality of service seems to be all that is need even if there is not numerically growth.[22] APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT God plan of reconciliation of man through Jesus Christ using the church is important Col. 1:17-20 and the mission of the church is to demonstrate this headship[23] but if the church is not measuring up then the devil and the world have the upper hand as seen today. Schwarz stated that for any church to experience good health growth, the characteristics must interplay and a weakness in one of the characteristics and can limit the effectiveness of the others.[24] Analysis and review of questionnaires were carried out with the pastors and the governing board of the church. During the review, it was discovered that though the church was not lacking in all the quality characteristics but as mentioned above lacking in one can limit the others. There were area that needed to be strengthen. Schwarz pointed out that the level of contentment in a congregation can be traced to the level of involvement people have in the congregation. People who are involved in their churches using the gifts and depending on the Holy Spirit, have a higher contentment than those who do not.[25] The church empowerment of leadership was good as there were structures to teach members on getting involved. Members are trained in-house and are made to serve in any department of the choosing. Furthermore, during this training gift are discovered, identified and are used for the church, this promotes confidence, peace and desire to want to serve God with the gift.[26] Holistic small group called house cell where members are divided according to the location and a central place is pick for the meeting of the group. This foster good relationship among the members. Schwarz said that, seek to apply the Bible in a relevant way characterise healthy church.[27]However, there were situation where members are too familiar that relocating them for other assignment became an issue. One of the strategy to solving that was rotational of the leadership of the small group. Passionate spirituality was one of the major problem because of the doctrinal beliefs of the church (Africa origin of the church). Some of the members were unhappy with too strict laws on dressing, where you cannot put on a particular kind of dressing once you are a member of the working unit in the church. Looking at the questionnaire, the issue of dressing stood out for attention. The pastors and the governing board had to biblically look for a balance that will be attracted to encourage people been free. Some were not in agreement with the leadership as this was changing the doctrine of the church. However, the understanding of the people as regard passionate spirituality were difference from what Schwarzs. Schwarz believe that Passionately spiritual Christians are enthusiastic about their faith. Passionately spiritual people are growing in their faith and holiness regardless of dressing or any doctrine that might be in place.[28] Schwarzs thought was carefully planned to one of t he services and there were significant progress. Healthy churches are not overworked by activities that take it turns on both the members and the leadership instead it allows for room it allows for programs that help the leaders to reproduce themselves.[29] For a church that believes in making members active by putting up many church activities, helping the leadership understood the negative impact was very important and how to shift away from such practices to a practice of reproducing quality believers. Inspiring Worship services involves giving God honour, recognising his sovereignty through the sacraments, the Word of God, preaching, testimony and fellowship through the power of the Holy Spirit.[30] Worship is a priority and it is to be taken so. Therefore, for a healthy church, quality time must be spent in prayers and planning of any services or programme to bring people to the presence of God. Need-oriented evangelism is needed for the church as evangelism is the duty of all believers. While Jesus was ascending to the sky is said Go ye to all the nations Matt 28:19. New strategy of evangelism was introduced to encourage members to meet the need of both Christian and non-Christian. One of such was the introduction of a food bank to assist as many in the community in need of food and though this many came to the saving knowledge of the Lord. John the Apostle wrote, Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God 1 John 4:7. Snyder writes, Christians are kingdom people when, having found peace with God through Jesus, they build a peaceful community and become agents of Gods peace in the world[31] The people were encouraged not to show love to other believers only but to the unbelievers alike so that by our love, they can come to the knowledge of Gods grace and measure. The pastors and the governing board realise areas of improvement, took it on board and began to implement the change in order to have a healthier church that can serve the community and shows Gods kingdom on earth. CONCLUSION Schwarz believe that, healthy or whole churches are those that are strong in all eight specified areas[32] and one quality cannot lead to growth in churches but rather involving the interplay of all eight characters. His words, the key is found in the harmonious interplay of all eight elements.[33] Therefore, it is important to improve the services giving in the church to same standard or more compare to what is offered in the world by so doing making the Church become more attractive to the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY Avis Paul, A Church Drawing Near: Spirituality and Mission in a Post-Christian Culture (London, Great Britain: The Cromwell Press 2003) Schwarz Christian A. Natural Church Development: A Practical Guide to a New Approach (Barcelona, Spain: M.C.E. HOREB 1996) Snyder Howard A., Signs of the Spirit: How God reshapes the church (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House 1989) Snyder Howard A., The Community of the King (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Versity Press 1977) Snyder Howard A., A Kingdom Manifesto (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Versity Press 1977) Spencer Burke, Colleen Pepper, Making Sense of Church: Eavesdropping on Emerging Conversations about God, Community, and Culture (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House 2003) King James Version Bible Ulrich Berner, The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Nigeria. Local Identities and Global Processes in African Pentecostalism (published Doctoral Dissertation, Owerri, Imo State, 2003), p.1 [Accessed 17 Jan 2017] [1] Burke Spencer, Pepper Colleen, Making Sense of Church: Eavesdropping on Emerging Conversations about God, Community, and Culture (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House 2003), p. 26. [2] Howard A. Snyder, Signs of the Spirit: How God reshapes the church (Grand Rapids: Michigan, Zondervan Publishing House 1989), p. 270. [3] Berner Ulrich, The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Nigeria. Local Identities and Global Processes in African Pentecostalism (published Doctoral Dissertation, Owerri, Imo State, 2003), p.1 [Accessed 17 Jan 2017] [4] Paul Avis, A Church Drawing Near: Spirituality and Mission in a Post-Christian Culture (London, Great Britain: The Cromwell Press 2003), p.13 [5] Howard A. Snyder, The Community of the King (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Versity Press 1977), p.73. [6] 1 Cor 3:6 Kjv Bible [7] Christian A. Schwarz, Natural Church Development: A Practical Guide to a New Approach (Barcelona, Spain: M.C.E. HOREB 1996), P.9 [8] Christian A. Schwarz, P.8 [9] Christian A. Schwarz, Natural Church Development: A Practical Guide to a New Approach (Barcelona, Spain: M.C.E. HOREB 1996), P.10 [10] Christian A. Schwarz, P.10 [11] Christian A. Schwarz, P.10 [12] Christian A. Schwarz, P.10 [13] Christian A. Schwarz, P.11 [14] Christian A. Schwarz, P.11 [15] Christian A. Schwarz, P.13 [16] Christian A. Schwarz, P.13 [17] Christian A. Schwarz, P.14 [18] Christian A. Schwarz, P.14 [19] Christian A. Schwarz, P.14 [20] Christian A. Schwarz, P.14 [21] Christian A. Schwarz, P.19 [22] Christian A. Schwarz, P.45 [23] Howard A. Snyder, The Community of the King (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Versity Press 1977), p.117 [24] Christian A. Schwarz, P.50 [25] Christian A. Schwarz, P.24 [26] Christian A. Schwarz, P.24 [27] Christian A. Schwarz, P.32 [28] Christian A. Schwarz, P.27 [29] Christian A. Schwarz, P.28 [30] Christian A. Schwarz, P.31 [31] Howard A. Snyder, A Kingdom Manifesto (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Versity Press 1977), p.22. [32] Christian A. Schwarz, P.38 [33] Christian A. Schwarz, P.39

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Manatees :: essays research papers

Manatee, common name for each of three species of a large water mammal, popularly called a sea cow because it grazes on marine grasses and other water plants. The Amazonian manatee ranges throughout the Amazon River basin in South America; the West African manatee occurs in rivers and coastal waters of tropical West Africa; and the West Indian, or Caribbean, manatee is found in rivers and coastal waters from the southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean Sea and northeastern Brazil. An adult manatee has a rounded body, usually colored light to dark gray or black, that tapers to a horizontally flattened, rounded tail. It is 2.5 to 4.5 m (8 to 14 ft) long, depending on the species, and weighs 200 to 600 kg (440 to 1300 lb). The small head includes a straight snout and a cleft upper lip with bristly hairs. Its nostrils, set on the upper surface of the snout, are closed tightly by valves when the animal is under water. The paddlelike forelimbs are set close to th e head; no external hind limbs exist. Massive, heavy bones and long, narrow lungs, which extend through the entire body cavity, give the manatee evenly distributed buoyancy. A manatee cow gives birth about a year after mating; usually a single, pink calf is born.Manatees live in small family groups, although they occasionally travel in herds of 15 to 20. They feed in both freshwater and salt water, grazing for six to eight hours a day. An adult consumes an amount equal to between 5 and 10 percent of its body weight daily. Manatees have a slower metabolism than other mammals of similar size, which sharply reduces their energy requirements. This is especially important for Amazonian manatees when waters recede after floods, confining some for extended periods in shallow waters away from plants on river banks. Manatees have few natural enemies because of their size. However, their population has been reduced significantly by heavy hunting for hides, meat, and blubber oil, and they are frequently injured or killed in collisions with boats. Manatees :: essays research papers Manatee, common name for each of three species of a large water mammal, popularly called a sea cow because it grazes on marine grasses and other water plants. The Amazonian manatee ranges throughout the Amazon River basin in South America; the West African manatee occurs in rivers and coastal waters of tropical West Africa; and the West Indian, or Caribbean, manatee is found in rivers and coastal waters from the southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico to the Caribbean Sea and northeastern Brazil. An adult manatee has a rounded body, usually colored light to dark gray or black, that tapers to a horizontally flattened, rounded tail. It is 2.5 to 4.5 m (8 to 14 ft) long, depending on the species, and weighs 200 to 600 kg (440 to 1300 lb). The small head includes a straight snout and a cleft upper lip with bristly hairs. Its nostrils, set on the upper surface of the snout, are closed tightly by valves when the animal is under water. The paddlelike forelimbs are set close to th e head; no external hind limbs exist. Massive, heavy bones and long, narrow lungs, which extend through the entire body cavity, give the manatee evenly distributed buoyancy. A manatee cow gives birth about a year after mating; usually a single, pink calf is born.Manatees live in small family groups, although they occasionally travel in herds of 15 to 20. They feed in both freshwater and salt water, grazing for six to eight hours a day. An adult consumes an amount equal to between 5 and 10 percent of its body weight daily. Manatees have a slower metabolism than other mammals of similar size, which sharply reduces their energy requirements. This is especially important for Amazonian manatees when waters recede after floods, confining some for extended periods in shallow waters away from plants on river banks. Manatees have few natural enemies because of their size. However, their population has been reduced significantly by heavy hunting for hides, meat, and blubber oil, and they are frequently injured or killed in collisions with boats.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

British Arguments During the Revolutionary War Essay

The colonists are good for one thing: complaining. They cry like babies for what just a few cents on their sugar and stamps, when in reality we were HELPING THEM. We made these taxes to defray for the defense of the colonies and to supply the troops. All they do is whine, whine, whine. They go on all day like fools with that idiot saying†¦ â€Å"No taxation without Representation.† 1764-Sugar Act & 1765- Stamp Act Little Brats Somehow these peasants have made us look like the villains in the tragic event they call the â€Å"Boston Massacre.† Hey that is one way to put it, but truly they are the ones to be blamed in this whole bloody mess. The idiots started it by harassing some of our own sovereign soldiers, they even through snowballs at our soldiers. How rude?!? Oh well, they simply don’t have class. Sure, a few of the peasants died but it was simply self-defense. 1770- Boston Massacre Cavemen The Peasants have yet again come up with some crazy antics that even top off their outrageous behavior so far. This time they burned down one of our schooners- The Gaspee to be specific. Yes, that is right they burned down a ship. How grotesque? Idiots! Better yet, cavemen! They have no taste act like villagers. They even accused one of our finest commanders who was the captain of the ship- Lt. William Dudingston of being unjust and corrupt. Lies, lies, lies! 1772- The Burning of The Gaspee A Truly Intolerable Act Wait for this one, it is truly mind-blowing. Believe it or not, the peasants dressed up as Mohawks Indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This is a new low even for them. They are real idiots, wasting all that tea. How extremely insensitive of them? There are many people in this world that could have made a use of that tea. On the bright side, we punished them thoroughly.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Benefits Of Fast Food - 1197 Words

Nowadays, more and more people tend to have a healthy lifestyle. A healthy style can make people to get nice body, be energetic, and reduce chances of getting sick. Moreover, good nutrition, daily exercise and, sleeping well are foundations for people being healthy (Clarke, 2013). This marketing plan is about a part of healthy style that is diet. According to guidelines that were established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, people’s diet should contain mostly whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and fat - free or low - fat dairy products (Clarke, 2013). In addition, people should get a certain amount of protein daily. Lean meats such as chicken and turkey, legumes, eggs, and healthy nuts are good sources (Clarke, 2013). However, many†¦show more content†¦dollars in a 2017 report† (Statista, 2017). In current McDonald’s menu, it classify food in several categories, Breakfast, Burgers, Chicken Sandwiches, Salads, Snacks Sides, Desserts Shakes, Drinks, and McCafe (McDonald’s, 2017). Although as the biggest fast food company in the world, McDonald’s is suffering most of criticisms. Because the food of McDonald’s is unhealthy, and it is called junk food. In 2002, Morgan Spurlock, a documentarian, wants to prove that fast food is the reason why many Americans are being fat. Therefore, he tested with himself. He needed to eat the food of McDonald’s for his diet and continued 30 days. In addition, if the staff of McDonald’s asks him whether choosing the supersize for the food, he must to say yes. Before the test, he found three doctors to check his body and showed how well his body before the test. Moreover, these doctors would be detecting during the test. In the test, he couldn’t walk more than 5,000 steps, approximately two and half miles. As result, Morgan Spurlock got fat, and his body appeared some problems, so that doctors suggested him to stop the test. Eating hamburgers and french fri es every day was not only affecting his healthy, but also affected his mood (Spurlock, 2004). According to above, since McDonald’s is though as the junk food’s representative, but it is the most influential fast food brand, and people cannot completelyShow MoreRelatedFast Food And Enjoy The Benefit1902 Words   |  8 PagesLimit Fast-Food and Enjoy the Benefit Fast food is one of the most popular and most reliable foods in the U.S. Some people consume it once a week and some consume it once a day. It is important to know what they are consuming before they even consume it, and the chances are people don’t even know what they’re really eating. Fast-food may taste delicious but the truth of the matter, it is terrible for your health if abused. It is so popular world-wide, even if you know it is harmful to your body,Read MoreBenefits Of Fast Food And Unhealthy Food1318 Words   |  6 PagesOur nation has become one of the fattest nations in the world. 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